
i've compiled mysql from source 5.5.24 and now i cannot run mysqltunner.
any idea?

@ghost ghost assigned major on 19 Jun 2012


major commented on 19 Jun 2012

Try running:

which mysqladmin

If that doesn't work, try:

find / -name mysqladmin -type f

MySQLTuner checks for the mysqladmin executable in your path to see if it's installed.


it's stored in /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin.

my $command = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin; - didn't solve my problem.


TJM commented on 19 Jun 2012



ok it works now!


Apart from [!!] Unable to find mysqladmin in your $PATH. Is MySQL installed? it also says... 'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command, and I added mysql/bin to the path


I receive the same error ''Unable to find mysqladmin in your $PATH. Is MySQL installed?'

MySQL is on a stand alond server, seperate from my Windows//IIS webserver. What should my PATH look like, do I need the ip address of the database server ie PATH=$PATH:111.222.333.444//usr/local/mysql/bin ? Or should I install and run mysql tuner on the stand alone database server instead?


TJM commented on 21 Nov 2013

mysqltuner should be run on the database server.


i still dont get it, where should i put PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin?

i've tried

my $command = PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin;

but it says

Global symbol "$PATH" requires explicit package name at ./mysqltuner.pl line 252.
Execution of ./mysqltuner.pl aborted due to compilation errors (#1)

im a complete noob at this, please help me.

i used find / -name mysqladmin -type f, and the path is /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin


major commented on 22 Feb 2014

Sorry for the long delay on this issue. You can use the --mysqladmin flag to specify the path to your custom path if needed:

  # perl mysqltuner.pl --help

     MySQLTuner 1.2.0 - MySQL High Performance Tuning Script
     Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at http://mysqltuner.com/
     Maintained by Major Hayden (major@mhtx.net) - Licensed under GPL

     Important Usage Guidelines:
        To run the script with the default options, run the script without arguments
        Allow MySQL server to run for at least 24-48 hours before trusting suggestions
        Some routines may require root level privileges (script will provide warnings)
        You must provide the remote server's total memory when connecting to other servers

     Connection and Authentication
        --host <hostname>    Connect to a remote host to perform tests (default: localhost)
        --socket <socket>    Use a different socket for a local connection
        --port <port>        Port to use for connection (default: 3306)
        --user <username>    Username to use for authentication
        --pass <password>    Password to use for authentication
        --mysqladmin <path>  Path to a custom mysqladmin executable

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