Java/Spring Boot JPA

HOw to resovle Cannot resolve table 'user_group'

remoted 2023. 7. 19. 08:05

The Cannot resolve table 'user_group' is a warning that's typically seen in IntelliJ IDEA, it's not actually an error. It happens because IntelliJ IDEA does not know about the existence of a table named user_group because it's an intermediary table created by Hibernate to manage @ManyToMany relationships, not a table that you've explicitly created yourself.

The Hibernate runtime knows to create the user_group table based on the configuration in your User entity, but IntelliJ IDEA's static code analysis doesn't know this, and so it raises a warning.

You can safely ignore this warning. When you run your application, Hibernate will automatically create the user_group table for you.

However, if you want to get rid of this warning in IntelliJ IDEA, you can use the JPA Console to update the IntelliJ IDEA schema:

  1. Open the Persistence tool window by going to View -> Tool Windows -> Persistence.
  2. Click on the JPA Console tool button.
  3. In the JPA Console, execute this command: update

This will update the IntelliJ IDEA schema with your Hibernate/JPA schema and the warning should go away. Please ensure that you have correctly set up the data source in IntelliJ IDEA.

Remember, Cannot resolve table is a warning from the IDE and not an error from the Java compiler or the runtime environment. Your code should compile and run correctly despite this warning.