I need to get the highlighted line number in listbox.
I am using the g label for one thing and the v associated variable for another so altsubmit won't work for me.
I know that double click puts the line number in A_EventInfo but I want to highlight a row of text then click a control button to use that text for something else.
How can I retrieve the line number?
I am using the g label for one thing and the v associated variable for another so altsubmit won't work for me.
I know that double click puts the line number in A_EventInfo but I want to highlight a row of text then click a control button to use that text for something else.
How can I retrieve the line number?
How can I retrieve the line number?
You may send LB_GETCURSEL message to the ListBox Control
Gui, Add, ListBox, w100 R9 hWndLB1, ABC|DEF|GHI|JKL|MNO|PQR|STU|VWX|YZ Gui, Add, Button, w100 gGetLineNumber, Get Line Number Gui, Show,, Return GetLineNumber: SendMessage,(LB_GETCURSEL := 0x188),0,0,, ahk_id %LB1% LineNumber := ErrorLevel+1 MsgBox %LineNumber% Return
You are correct. I found a post by Chris that used LB_GETCURSEL. It works great.
Any chance you know how to send a single click to a highlighted row in listbox?
Either that or make the listbox active again after I refresh the contents. I have to click on the listbox to be able to scroll with the arrow keys.
thanks again.
Any chance you know how to send a single click to a highlighted row in listbox?
Either that or make the listbox active again after I refresh the contents. I have to click on the listbox to be able to scroll with the arrow keys.
thanks again.
I found the answer to my previous question.
I can use controlfocus to make the listbox the active control again.
So simple, I found it in the documentation looking for something else.
ControlFocus, Listbox1
I can use controlfocus to make the listbox the active control again.
So simple, I found it in the documentation looking for something else.
ControlFocus, Listbox1
고전적인 ListBox 의 문제점 중 하나는, Line number 나 Data를 얻어 올 수 있지만 "상태에 의해 제약받는다" 는 점이 있다.
그 상태에 대해선 3가지 부류가 있는데.. 결론은 Selected 상태여야 한다는 것으로 귀결된다.
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