
Check current branch

35mwl@remoted MINGW64 ~/OtpServer (master)
$ git branch
* master
# current branch was checked with * mark


check out current branch to child branch

$ git checkout "child_branch"


After checking out, merge master into child_branch to use IntelliJ or command like "git merge master"

"git merge master" means to merge "master" into "child_branch" or others.

With conflicted between master and child, merge will be failed. In this case, recommend to use IDE tools for Debug





Merge branch 'master' into 개별브랜치

마스터 브랜치의 내용을 개별 브랜치로 Merge하는 방법 내 브랜치에 마스터 브랜치 내용을 업데이트 해봅시다 👩‍💻 1. 터미널 열기 .git 폴더가 있는 디렉토리에서 git bash 열기 디렉토리 확인, g



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