
github에 새 repository를 만들고


기존에 하던 방식대로 진행하다보면



$ git push -u origin master


를 하면


remote: Permission to newaccount/projectname.git denied to oldaccount.

fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/newaccount/projectname.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403

newaccount는 현재 계정을

newproject는 현재 업로드하려고 만들어 놓은 repository의 이름을 의미합니다


이런 에러가 뜰 것이다.







먼저 git에 등록된 이름과

email을 확인해봅시다.





git config user.name

git config user.email


을 하면


구 계정과 구 이메일이 나올 것입니다.









git config --global user.name 신계정

git config --global user.email 신이메일


로 바꿔주고


다시한번 확인해봅시다.















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사용자 계정 -> 자격 증명 관리에 들어갑니다.


이 곳은 윈도우OS가 관리하는 인증 정보를 보관하는 곳입니다.

github 정보도 여기에서 관리합니다.












다음 Windows 자격 증명에 들어가면


일반 자격 증명 탭에


기존에 사용하던 토큰들이 있을 것입니다.


git 과 관련된건 지워줍시다.







그리고 업로드 하고 싶은 프로젝트 우클


git bash here 클릭









git init


git remote add origin 레파지토리 주소


git pull origin master


git add .


git commit -m "first commit"


git push -u origin master

(git add 띄고 . ) (git commit 띄고 -m) (git push 띄고 -u)



순서대로 합시다.









그러면 push 하려는 순간


새로 로그인 하라는 창이 뜰겁니다.




새 계정과 이메일로 바꿔주고

















Sometimes the applications may miss registering the DLL or OCX files, due to which users will face errors and applications won’t work properly. Because of this, users will require to register the files by themselves. The registering and unregistering of the application extension files (DLL or OCX) are done by RegSvr32 utility. In this article, we will teach you how easily you can register a DLL or OCX file in your operating system.

How to Register DLL or OCX file in Windows

Registering a DLL or OCX File in Windows

By registering a DLL or OCX, users are adding the information to the registry so that Windows can use those files. The information will be in the form of a name or CLSID. This makes it easier for Windows to find the correct DLL or OCX when a function related to it is used within another program. It will contain the path of these files through which the executable code for the component will be used. The information saved in the registry will always refer to the latest version of the component. This is required only in rare cases because in most cases the applications will register these files during installation. It can also be used for the repairing of the Windows issues that include these files. Some extra parameters that you can add to the commands:

  • /u – Unregister the DLL or OCX file
  • /s – Silent mode, it will show no message boxes.
  • /I – If used without /u then calls DLLInstall(TRUE) to install and If used with /u then calls DllInstall(FALSE) to uninstall the DLL and DllUnregisterServer.
  • /n – For not calling the DllRegister Server or DllUnregisterServer. This option must be used with /i.

You can only register the DLL or OCX files that are registerable. Some files will have no DLLRegisterServer() functions through which it can register. Those files are ordinary and have nothing to do with registering. An example can be taken from game DLL files that stay in the folder and do their job without getting registered in the first place.

Note: Make sure you already have the DLL or OCX file available before trying these methods.

Using the Elevated Command Prompt to Register a DLL or OCX File

  1. Hold the Windows key and press S to open the search function. Type cmd, right-click on it and choose Run as administrator option
    Note: You can also press Alt + Shift + Enter after typing cmd in the search function.


    Opening elevated command prompt
  2. Now type the command below to register the DLL or OCX file.regsvr32 jscript.dll

    Note: jscript.dll is the file name that you can change to whatever file you want to register.

    Successfully registered DLL file
  3. You can also register a DLL or OCX file that is located in a different location by typing the following command.regsvr32 C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\jscript.dll
    Registering DLL on a different path
  4. If the file is not registerable then you may get the error as shown below:
    Error for not registering
  5. Sometimes the error can be because you are trying to register a 32-bit DLL or OCX file through 64-bitRegsvr32. You need to use the 32-bit Regsvr32 that is located in the Syswow64 folder.
  6. You can type the following command to register 32-bit DLL or OCX in a 64-bit operating system.%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\regsvr32 jscript.dll
    Registering 32-bit DLL file on 64-bit Windows

You can also use PowerShell with the same commands to register DLL or OCX files.


DLL OCX Windows

Kevin Arrows


Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.


What's the difference between Adafruit SSD1306 and SH1106?

Jul 22, 2014, 02:39 am

Hey all!  I've scoured some pretty sketchy sites in search of this, and haven't found anything concrete.  I have a need to use Adafruit's SSD1306 library for my OLED displays.  The problem?  I'm using these cheap ones which only support SH1106:  http://www.amazon.com/Huhushop-TM-Serial-Display-Arduino/dp/B00JM7SWI4/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8

I hear that there isn't much difference between the two libraries, but there's enough to cause me problems.  Does anyone know what I ought to do to modify SSD1306 so that it works with my displays?

I know it's a long shot, but I'd appreciate any help!




Re: What's the difference between Adafruit SSD1306 and SH1106?


Jul 22, 2014, 02:53 am

I have here one cheap OLED screen like that and I'm using the library from Adafruit too, and without problems. I saw this:

video too, and it seems like yours, an he are using that library too.




  • Guest

Re: What's the difference between Adafruit SSD1306 and SH1106?


Jul 22, 2014, 05:25 am

Hi luisilva, thanks for responding.  That was a handy video!  Unfortunately, I can't get my display to work in the same way that the guy in the video did.  The reason being that I'm actually using a Spark Core (www.spark.io) to run the display, which has a much more limited library selection than the Arduino.  I don't mean to derail an arduino forum, however, which is why I was specifically asking about the differences between the SSD1306 and SH1106 libraries.

At present, using SSD1306 yields the very same issu as this person's: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_SSD1306/issues/14   That's the only place I've been able to find somebody else with the same issue of the screen being filled with junk, btw.  However, that person's issues were solved by simply switching to the u8glib.  I'd love to do just that, but u8glib isn't compatible with Spark.  Hence me trying to figure out a way to modify the existing SSD1306 library to be compatible with my display.

Thanks again for any insight!



Re: What's the difference between Adafruit SSD1306 and SH1106?


Jul 22, 2014, 05:38 am

OK. Now I understand. From this discussion:

They point out this library:



Arduino LCD library supporting multiple types of LCD shields and modules - stanleyhuangyc/MultiLCD




Re: What's the difference between Adafruit SSD1306 and SH1106?


Jul 22, 2014, 09:03 pm

There is only one small difference between SSD1306 and SH1106: The SH1106 controller has an internal RAM of 132x64 pixel. The SSD1306 only has 128x64 pixel.

First problem for standard 128x64 OLEDs with SH1106 controller is: How is the 128x64 window mapped into the 132x64 RAM?
It seems, that the 128x64 OLED is centered in most cases within the 132x64 area, that means pixel (2,0) in ram is pixel (0,0) on the display.

For u8glib, the update for the SH1106 was very small. I just had to shift the display by 2 pixel. This is more complicated with the Adafruit lib. Mainly the procedure "Adafruit_SSD1306::display(void)" depends very much on the hardware architecture and assumes, that the width of the RAM area is 128 (which is wrong for the SH1106). I think the procedure Adafruit_SSD1306::display(void) needs to be rewritten completly (including the commands, which are sent).



This then passes the function without executing it first.

Here is an example:

function addContact(id, refreshCallback) {
    // You can also pass arguments if you need to
    // refreshCallback(id);

function refreshContactList() {
    alert('Hello World');

addContact(1, refreshContactList);

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