

'Cryptography' 카테고리의 다른 글

Configuring the HSM to Operate in FIPS Mode  (0) 2024.04.05
The group Zp*  (31) 2024.03.11
Padding oracles and the decline of CBC-mode cipher suites  (83) 2024.03.08
CBC-bit Flipping  (21) 2024.03.08
AES Cipher  (0) 2024.03.07

assume to use child branch, and will want to merge child branch to master.

Show below structure.




\_ child branch




\_child branch


We select two options, to merge other to master. 

The First, find top tool bar.

After selecting Merge option, We will see below screen.


But this menu confuse to meger something, for tooltip context is very difficult. For Example, "Merge into master" and "git merge master" do not comprehend to merging between master and child branch.


The Second, select "Git" icon in bottom area and checkout "master" branch.

Then, select child branch with right click. We will show different option above showing.


"Merge child branch into master"

This option is very comprehensive for merging. BTW, Click and Push. It's done.



Given a local / remote branch name, how could I get the hash of the commit that this branch points to?



The command git rev-parse is your friend, e.g.:

$ git rev-parse development


... or for a remote-tracking branch:

$ git rev-parse origin/master


This command is generally very useful, since it can parse any of the ways of specifying branch names in git, such as:

git rev-parse master~3
git rev-parse HEAD@{2.days.ago}



current branch hash point





If we have many of entry, simply point out ~(Want to do before entry point)


Hi, I've imported a method that uses 


however my IDE shows that its not recognized but the code still works perfectly fine, I just find it annoying since it's showing I have errors in my project when I don't. (The app still compiles fine etc. my IDE just states that it cannot resolve symbol commons)

cannot resolve symbol 'commons'




What build system do you use? If it's Maven try to perform the following steps:

  • File | Invalidate Caches... | Mark first two checkboxes | Invalidate and Restart
  • Close the project window File | Close Project and IntelliJ.
  • Open your project in OS file explorer and remove all *.iml files and the .idea folder from your project.
  • Delete .m2 maven folder.
  • Re-import the project into IntelliJ from Existing sources.

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