



Orders are created when a customer completes the checkout process, and they are visible to users with Admin and Shop Manager roles only. Each order is given a unique Order ID.

Order IDs are non-sequential as they use the default WordPress ID approach. For sequential order numbers, you can use Sequential Order Numbers Pro.

Order Statuses

An order also has a Status. Order statuses let you know how far along the order is, starting with “Pending payment” and ending with “Completed.” The following order statuses are used:

  • Pending payment — Order received, no payment initiated. Awaiting payment (unpaid).
  • Failed — Payment failed or was declined (unpaid) or requires authentication (SCA). Note that this status may not show immediately and instead show as Pending until verified (e.g., PayPal).
  • Processing — Payment received (paid) and stock has been reduced; order is awaiting fulfillment. All product orders require processing, except those that only contain products which are both Virtual and Downloadable.
  • Completed — Order fulfilled and complete – requires no further action.
  • On hold — Awaiting payment – stock is reduced, but you need to confirm payment.
  • Canceled — Canceled by an admin or the customer – stock is increased, no further action required.
  • Refunded — Refunded by an admin – no further action required.
  • Authentication required — Awaiting action by the customer to authenticate the transaction and/or complete SCA requirements.

Visual Diagram to Illustrate Order Statuses

This visual representation follows an order through its statuses from “Pending payment” to “Completed”, “Canceled” or “Refunded.”

Order Statuses and Payment Gateways

More about how order statuses relate to payment gateways in the Troubleshooting section.

Order Statuses and Emails

More about the different emails that are automatically sent at Email Settings.

If you are using PayPal and orders are staying in Pending, you may have an IPN issue. See the troubleshooting section at Debugging IPN Issues

Viewing and Managing Multiple Orders

Orders Overview

When a shop starts taking orders, the Orders management page begins to fill up. Go to: WooCommerce > Orders.

Each row displays several details. Some are there by default, others can be added. These are the available options:

  • Order number and customer name,
  • Date of purchase,
  • Order status,
  • Billing address,
  • Shipping address,
  • Purchase total, and
  • Actions.

To change these columns:

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Orders.
  • Select Screen Options in the top right corner.
  • Select which Columns to show.
  • Select how many Items you want to be displayed on each page.
  • Then Apply.

Filter and Arrange Orders

Filter orders by Date (month/year) or by registered customer.

  • Select the month, or search for a customer.
  • Select Filter.

Arrange orders in ascending or descending order by Order number, Date or Total by select the heading.

Note that the “Total” column does not take the refunded amount into consideration.

Click the order number and customer name to see the Single Order page, where you can also Edit order details, Update Status, and Add Notes. More details on that in Viewing and Editing Single Orders.

Searching and Finding Orders

Orders can be found using the search box at the top right of the order list. Enter an order number, customer name, or other information shown in the order list such as address. Click Search orders or tap return on your keyboard and search results will show a list of matching orders.

Previewing Orders

Order rows have a Preview “eye.”

Clicking Preview opens a Modal, containing the order number, order status, billing details, payment method, shipping details, shipping method, items ordered, and the option to change the order status.

Order Statuses in the Overview

Order Statuses are color-coded and descriptive.

  • Canceled – Grey
  • Completed – Blue
  • Failed – Red
  • On Hold – Orange
  • Pending Payment – Grey
  • Processing – Green
  • Refunded – Grey

Order Actions

Hovering over an order Status displays Notes made on the order.

At the end of a row are shortcut buttons to quickly mark orders as Processing or Complete.

Viewing and Editing a Single Order

From the Single Order page not only can you view all order data, but also edit and update.

  • Change the order status.
  • Edit order items – modify the product, prices, and taxes.
  • Stock – Reduce and restore stock for an order
  • Order Actions – Email order details to customer (handy if manually creating an order for your customers) or Regenerate download permissions
  • Modify product Meta to edit product variations by removing and adding meta
  • Apply coupons. You will need to know the coupon code to apply to the order. Coupon usage counts are tracked, and coupons can also be removed from orders. Note: the order must be unpaid for coupons to have an affect
  • Add fee. You can enter an amount or percentage to add a fee to an order. Negative fees will apportion taxes between all other items, and will not make the cart total go below zero

Order Details

Viewing Order Details

The Order Details panel you can view:

  • Order number
  • Payment details
  • Order date and time
  • Order status
  • Customer details:
    • Username and email, together with a link to view their profile and other purchases the customer may have had in the past
    • Billing details
    • Shipping details

Editing Order Details

Most of the details in this section can be updated and/or changes.

  • To change the date and time, use the dropdown date selector and the quantity selectors for the time.
  • To change the status, choose the right status in the dropdown.
  • To change the customer, select the current customer and search for the new customer.

Under “Billing” and “Shipping”, several other details can be changed. In order to do so, select the pencil icon next to each of them.

  • Under “Billing”, the following things can be changed:
    • Billing address — this can also be loaded from the customer’s profile by selecting “Load billing address”
    • Email
    • Phone number
    • Payment method and details
  • Under “Shipping”, the following things can be changed:
    • Shipping address — this can also be loaded from the customer’s profile or copied from the billing address
    • Customer provided note

Once you’ve made the necessary changes, select Update to update the order.

Order Items and Totals

Viewing Order Items

The next panel on the order page is the Order Items panel. This contains the product items, the shipping details, and the order summary.

  • Each product item row lists:
    • Product image
    • Product name
    • Single product Cost
    • Quantity
    • Total (Cost x Quantity, with discounts taken into consideration)
    • Taxes
  • Below that, the shipping details are displayed. This will include:
    • Shipping method
    • Boxed items
    • Total cost
    • Taxes
  • The last section contains an overview of the order costs. This section will change if an order is refunded. By default, it will include:
    • Items subtotal — cost excluding tax
    • Coupon(s) — amount deducted based on the use of coupons; the coupons used are displayed left in this section
    • Shipping — the shipping cost for the order
    • Taxes — the amount of taxes for the whole order; this will be replaced by the tax code applied to the order
    • Order total — the total of the above costs
    • Finally, below the line, an overview of what is paid and the fees taken by payment gateways

Editing or Adding Order Items

Apart from refunding, order items can not be edited, unless the order status is “Pending payment”, or “On hold.”

Product items. Select the pencil icon next to a product line to edit.

The following product items can be edited:

  • Add Meta — Add and remove meta to change product variable options.
  • Quantity — Number of items the customer is purchasing.
  • Total — Line price and line tax before pre-tax discounts.
  • Tax — Tax cost. For example, if a customer is tax-exempt you may want to remove the taxes.

Other actions. Next, you can do four actions at the bottom of this window:

  • Add item(s) — this will show you six new options:
    • Add product(s) — Add additional products to the order.
    • Add fee — Add an additional fee, such as gift wrapping.
    • Add shipping — Add a shipping cost. When you’ve done this, select the pencil icon to update the name, the method, the cost, and the tax.
    • Add tax — Add an additional tax code to every section in the order.
    • Cancel — Cancel if you do not want to make any changes.
    • Save — Save once the changes are made.
  • Once you’ve done this, you can select Recalculate if you want to automatically perform new calculations based on store settings. This can be handy if you are adding or removing products, coupons, shipping methods, etc. Note that any tax changes that you’ve manually included will be removed as the tax settings in your store will apply based on the customer address.

  • Apply coupon — If your customer forgot to add the coupon could or you want to reward the customer before they pay, selecting this option will show a modal that allows you to apply a coupon code.
  • Refund — to refund the customer. For more information about Manual and Automatic Refunds, see WooCommerce Refunds.

Custom Fields

To add custom meta fields, use the Custom Fields metabox:

Order Notes

The Order Notes panel displays notes attached to the order and can be used for storing event details, such as payment results or reducing stock levels, or adding notes to the order for customers to view. Some payment gateways also add notes for debugging.

The following note types are possible:

  • Purple: System status notices, such as payment gateway details.
  • Grey: General status updates, such as status changes or private notes. Customers do not see these notes but may receive notification of them, e.g., when the status changes from processing to completed, an email may be sent (depending on your settings).
  • Blue: Notes to the customer. Customers receive notes via email but can view them by viewing an order in their My account section.

Notes can be a powerful tool for communicating with customers or other store managers. Need to add a tracking number for shipping? Is stock delayed? Add a customer note, and they are automatically notified.

To add a note,

  • Use the textarea to add the content of the note.
  • Select Private note or Note to customer in the dropdown.
  • Select Add.

Manually Adding an Order

To add an order:

  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Orders.
  2. Use Add New at the top of the page. The Single Order page appears.
  3. Input customer details, add line items, apply coupons, apply fees and calculate totals. These are the same as the Editing or Adding Order Items.
  4. Set a status for the new order, e.g., If it needs to be paid, use “Pending payment.”
  5. Save.

Use the Order Actions dropdown to Email order details to the customer with payment instructions.

Paying for an Order

Orders that are “Pending payment” can be paid for through the payment link.

As the shop manager, you can find this link on the order overview:

  • If the customer is a Guest, anyone with the right link will be able to view the payment page and pay for the order.
  • If the customer is registered on your site,
    • Only this customer will be able to see the payment link once they are logged in.
    • The customer can also find the order in: My Account > Orders.

If the customer is assigned to the order, they will be asked to log in before paying:

  • If you are the store owner and wish to pay on behalf of the customer, consider using User Switching (not endorsed by WooCommerce.com) to log in to the customer’s account and complete the payment as them.

Removing Personal Data

Starting with WooCommerce 3.4+, it is possible to remove customer data.

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.
  • Enable Allow personal data to be removed in bulk from orders.
  • Save changes.

This option is now available for orders:

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Orders.
  • Select the orders that need personal data removed.
  • Select Bulk Actions > Remove personal data.
  • Select Apply.

Please note, that once you press Apply this will remove personal data with no further warning. Orders will appear on the Orders screen like this:

On an individual order, data is updated like this:

  • Failedpending, and canceled orders which get cleaned up will be moved to the trash.
  • Completed orders which get cleaned up will be anonymized so sales stats are unaffected (as above).
  • Inactive accounts will be deleted. An inactive account is one which has not been logged in to, or which has not placed orders, for the specified time.

Personal data removal can be automatically associated with account erasure requests. WordPress allows deleting user details upon request via Tools > Erase Personal Data. This removal can now also be associated with the orders of this user.

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.
  • Under Account erasure requests:
    • Enable Remove personal data from orders on request, if you also want to remove order data when this is done
    • Enable Remove access to downloads on request, if the customer should no longer access the download links once their personal details have been removed.

Personal data retention can also be automated.

  • Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy
  • Under Personal data retention, set thresholds for inactive accounts and for orders with different statuses.
  • Save changes.

If enabled, this cleanup will run via a daily cron job. Inactive accounts are tracked using metadata, and only subscribers/customer accounts are removed.

Multi-Site Orders

Starting with WooCommerce 3.4+ there is now a widget that appears under Dashboard that shows order information from across all sites. You can click on an order to be taken to the details of the order on that site.


Understanding Order Statuses in Relation to Payment Gateways


Awaiting payment – stock is reduced, but you need to confirm payment Usually seen with payment methods when you need to manually confirm, such as BACS (bank transfer) or cheque.

You’ll also see this when the gateway is set to authorize instead of capture a charge: the shop owner will need to manually switch the status to processing.
Order received (unpaid). Most gateways will report back and set the order status to Processing (payment successful) or Failed (payment unsuccessful).  If the shop never receives either signal, it keeps the status on Pending.

This tends to be a misconfiguration of payment notification URLs or a plugin conflict.
Payment received and stock has been reduced- the order is awaiting fulfillment. All product orders require processing, except those with only products that are both digital and downloadable. If the payment has been successful and the order does not contain Digital or Downloadable products, the order will be set to Processing.

This is the shop owner or warehouse’s cue to ship the order and manually mark it as completed.
Order fulfilled and complete – requires no further action These generally aren’t interesting because everything has gone correctly.
Payment failed or was declined (unpaid). The order can be manually canceled, but this status can come up if the payment window has expired. It can happen for a few reasons:
  • order was abandoned  before payment was completeThe hold stock window expired without a response
  • Same reasons as Pending
Customer must complete requirements for SCA. It can occur when:
  • a new customer makes a purchase
  • an existing subscription renews


Do you still have questions and need assistance? 

  • Get in touch with a Happiness Engineer via our Help Desk. We provide expert priority support for WooCommerce.com and Jetpack customers but not other third-party plugins.
  • If you are not a customer at WooCommerce.com, we recommend finding help on the WooCommerce Support Forum or hiring a recommended expert on our customizations page.

Payment Gateway API

Payment gateways in WooCommerce are class based and can be added through traditional plugins. This guide provides an intro to gateway development.

Note: This is a Developer level doc provided as guidance. We are unable to dispense advice or review code under our Support Policy.

Types of payment gateway

Payment gateways come in several varieties:

  1. Form based – This is where the user must click a button on a form that then redirects them to the payment processor on the gateway’s own website. Example: PayPal standard, Authorize.net DPM
  2. iFrame based – This is when the gateway payment system is loaded inside an iframe on your store. Example: SagePay Form, PayPal Advanced
  3. Direct – This is when the payment fields are shown directly on the checkout page and the payment is made when ‘place order’ is pressed. Example: PayPal Pro, Authorize.net AIM
  4. Offline – No online payment is made. Example: Cheque, Bank Transfer

Form and iFrame based gateways post data offsite, meaning there are less security issues for you to think about. Direct gateways, however, require server security to be implemented (SSL certificates, etc.) and may also require a level of PCI compliance.

Creating a basic payment gateway

Note: We are unable to provide support for customizations under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code/templates and resolving potential conflicts, select a WooExpert or Developer  for assistance.

Payment gateways should be created as additional plugins that hook into WooCommerce. Inside the plugin, you need to create a class after plugins are loaded. Example:

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'init_your_gateway_class' );

It is also important that your gateway class extends the WooCommerce base gateway class, so you have access to important methods and the settings API:

function init_your_gateway_class() { class WC_Gateway_Your_Gateway extends WC_Payment_Gateway {} }

You can view the WC_Payment_Gateway class in the API Docs.

As well as defining your class, you need to also tell WooCommerce (WC) that it exists. Do this by filtering woocommerce_payment_gateways:

function add_your_gateway_class( $methods ) { $methods[] = 'WC_Gateway_Your_Gateway'; return $methods; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_payment_gateways', 'add_your_gateway_class' );

Required Methods

Most methods are inherited from the WC_Payment_Gateway class, but some are required in your custom gateway.

Within your constructor, you should define the following variables:

  • $this->id – Unique ID for your gateway, e.g., ‘your_gateway’
  • $this->icon – If you want to show an image next to the gateway’s name on the frontend, enter a URL to an image.
  • $this->has_fields – Bool. Can be set to true if you want payment fields to show on the checkout (if doing a direct integration).
  • $this->method_title – Title of the payment method shown on the admin page.
  • $this->method_description – Description for the payment method shown on the admin page.

Your constructor should also define and load settings fields:

$this->init_form_fields(); $this->init_settings();

We’ll cover init_form_fields() later, but this basically defines your settings that are then loaded with init_settings().

After init_settings() is called, you can get the settings and load them into variables, meaning:

$this->title = $this->get_option( 'title' );

Finally, you need to add a save hook for your settings:

add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ) );

Use this method to set $this->form_fields – these are options you’ll show in admin on your gateway settings page and make use of the WC Settings API.

A basic set of settings for your gateway would consist of enabled, title and description:

$this->form_fields = array( 'enabled' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable/Disable', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __( 'Enable Cheque Payment', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => 'yes' ), 'title' => array( 'title' => __( 'Title', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __( 'This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.', 'woocommerce' ), 'default' => __( 'Cheque Payment', 'woocommerce' ), 'desc_tip' => true, ), 'description' => array( 'title' => __( 'Customer Message', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => '' ) );

process_payment( $order_id )
Now for the most important part of the gateway — handling payment and processing the order. Process_payment also tells WC where to redirect the user, and this is done with a returned array.

Here is an example of a process_payment function from the Cheque gateway:

function process_payment( $order_id ) { global $woocommerce; $order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); // Mark as on-hold (we're awaiting the cheque) $order->update_status('on-hold', __( 'Awaiting cheque payment', 'woocommerce' )); // Remove cart $woocommerce->cart->empty_cart(); // Return thankyou redirect return array( 'result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $this->get_return_url( $order ) ); }

As you can see, its job is to:

  • Get and update the order being processed
  • Return success and redirect URL (in this case the thanks page)

Cheque gives the order On-Hold status since the payment cannot be verified automatically. If, however, you are building a direct gateway, then you can complete the order here instead. Rather than using update_status when an order is paid, you should use payment_complete:


This ensures stock reductions are made, and the status is changed to the correct value.

If payment fails, you should throw an error and return null:

wc_add_notice( __('Payment error:', 'woothemes') . $error_message, 'error' ); return;

WooCommerce will catch this error and show it on the checkout page.

Stock levels are updated via actions (woocommerce_payment_complete and in transitions between order statuses), so it’s no longer needed to manually call the methods reducing stock levels while processing the payment.

Updating Order Status and Adding Notes

Updating the order status can be done using functions in the order class. You should only do this if the order status is not processing (in which case you should use payment_complete()). An example of updating to a custom status would be:

$order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); $order->update_status('on-hold', __('Awaiting cheque payment', 'woothemes'));

The above example updates the status to On-Hold and adds a note informing the owner that it is awaiting a Cheque. You can add notes without updating the order status; this is used for adding a debug message:

$order->add_order_note( __('IPN payment completed', 'woothemes') );

Order Status Best Practice

  • If the order has completed but the admin needs to manually verify payment, use On-Hold
  • If the order fails and has already been created, set to Failed
  • If payment is complete, let WooCommerce handle the status and use $order->payment_complete(). WooCommerce will use either Completed or Processing status and handle stock.

Notes on Direct Gateways

If you are creating an advanced, direct gateway (i.e., one that takes payment on the actual checkout page), there are additional steps involved. First, you need to set has_fields to true in the gateway constructor:

$this->has_fields = true;

This tells the checkout to output a ‘payment_box’ containing your direct payment form that you define next.

Create a method called payment_fields() – this contains your form, most likely to have credit card details.

The next but optional method to add is validate_fields(). Return true if the form passes validation or false if it fails. You can use the wc_add_notice() function if you want to add an error and display it to the user.

Finally, you need to add payment code inside your process_payment( $order_id ) method. This takes the posted form data and attempts payment directly via the payment provider.

If payment fails, you should output an error and return nothing:

wc_add_notice( __('Payment error:', 'woothemes') . $error_message, 'error' ); return;

If payment is successful, you should set the order as paid and return the success array:

// Payment complete $order->payment_complete();// Return thank you page redirect return array( 'result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $this->get_return_url( $order ) );

Working with Payment Gateway Callbacks (such as PayPal IPN)

If you are building a gateway that makes a callback to your store to tell you about the status of an order, you need to add code to handle this inside your gateway.

The best way to add a callback and callback handler is to use WC-API hooks. An example would be as PayPal Standard does. It sets the callback/IPN URL as:

str_replace( 'https:', 'http:', add_query_arg( 'wc-api', 'WC_Gateway_Paypal', home_url( '/' ) ) );

Then hooks in its handler to the hook:

add_action( 'woocommerce_api_wc_gateway_paypal', array( $this, 'check_ipn_response' ) );

WooCommerce will call your gateway and run the action when the URL is called.

For more information, see WC_API — The WooCommerce API Callback.

Hooks in Gateways

It’s important to note that adding hooks inside gateway classes may not trigger. Gateways are only loaded when needed, such as during checkout and on the settings page in admin.

You should keep hooks outside of the class or use WC-API if you need to hook into WordPress events from your class.

More Examples

For more examples of payment gateways, go to WooCommerce core gateways or WooCommerce premium gateways.








A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website.


Steps for creating a plugin for WooCommerce :

One of the easiest ways to create a settings page is by taking advantage of the WC_Integration class. Using the Integration class will automatically create a new settings page under WooCommerce > Settings > Integration and it will automatically save and sanitize your data for you.

1) Download and activate the latest version of WooCommerce from here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/


2) create new folder for our new plugin in wp-content/plugin/ directory.

e.g, wp-content/plugin/my-custom-plugin


3) WC_Integration class file. e.g, class-wc-integration-demo-integration.php.

 * Integration Demo.
 * @package   Woocommerce My plugin Integration
 * @category Integration
 * @author   Addweb Solution Pvt. Ltd.
if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_My_plugin_Integration' ) ) :
class WC_My_plugin_Integration extends WC_Integration {
   * Init and hook in the integration.
  public function __construct() {
    global $woocommerce;
    $this->id                 = 'my-plugin-integration';
    $this->method_title       = __( 'My Plugin Integration');
    $this->method_description = __( 'My Plugin Integration to show you how easy it is to extend WooCommerce.');
    // Load the settings.
    // Define user set variables.
    $this->custom_name          = $this->get_option( 'custom_name' );
    // Actions.
    add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_integration_' .  $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ) );
   * Initialize integration settings form fields.
  public function init_form_fields() {
    $this->form_fields = array(
      'custom_name' => array(
        'title'             => __( 'Custom Name'),
        'type'              => 'text',
        'description'       => __( 'Enter Custom Name'),
        'desc_tip'          => true,
        'default'           => '',
        'css'      => 'width:170px;',


4) plugin file. e.g, woocommerce-my-custom-plugin.php

 * Plugin Name: My custom plugin
 * Plugin URI: http://www.addwebsolution.com
 * Description: A plugin demonstrating how to add a new WooCommerce integration.
 * Author:  Addweb Solution Pvt. Ltd.
 * Author URI: http://www.addwebsolution.com
 * Version: 1.0
if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_my_custom_plugin' ) ) :
class WC_my_custom_plugin {
  * Construct the plugin.
  public function __construct() {
    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'init' ) );
  * Initialize the plugin.
  public function init() {
    // Checks if WooCommerce is installed.
    if ( class_exists( 'WC_Integration' ) ) {
      // Include our integration class.
      include_once 'class-wc-integration-demo-integration.php';
      // Register the integration.
      add_filter( 'woocommerce_integrations', array( $this, 'add_integration' ) );
   * Add a new integration to WooCommerce.
  public function add_integration( $integrations ) {
    $integrations[] = 'WC_My_plugin_Integration';
    return $integrations;
$WC_my_custom_plugin = new WC_my_custom_plugin( __FILE__ );


Now, you can see the My custom plugin in the list of all plugins.

5) create settings link for the plugin. Add this in init() method of your plugin.

// Set the plugin slug
 define( 'MY_PLUGIN_SLUG', 'wc-settings' );

// Setting action for plugin
add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'WC_my_custom_plugin_action_links' );


Now add the function after object creation in the plugin file.

function WC_my_custom_plugin_action_links( $links ) {

    $links[] = '<a href="'. menu_page_url( MY_PLUGIN_SLUG, false ) .'&tab=integration">Settings</a>';
    return $links;


Now you are able to see the settings link for the plugin. It is dependent on the WooCommerce plugin activation and deactivation.

6) Click on the settings link. You are now able to save data also.

Hope this blog helps you out. Feel free to share any questions, we are ready to help always :) If you need more assistance regarding WordPress Development Service then get in touch.







다음 우편번호 API가 보안상 강화이유로 패치되었다.

완전한 패치날짜는 2021년 03월 31일 분기경이다. 


따라서 뒤에오는 인자에 대해서 일반적으로 잘 허용하지 않는다.



1. Cosmosfarm Customizing quotation

//wp_register_script('daum-postcode', '//t1.daumcdn.net/mapjsapi/bundle/postcode/prod/postcode.v2.js', array('jquery'), NULL, true);
wp_enqueue_script('daum-postcode', '//t1.daumcdn.net/mapjsapi/bundle/postcode/prod/postcode.v2.js', array('jquery'), NULL, true);


해당 부분에서 뒤의 인자값에 대해서 NULL 값으로 등록되는 부분으로 패치한 것을 볼 수 있다.

뒤에 인자를 추가적으로 받지 않는다. 

(예전처럼 플러그인을 만들었다거나, 추가 커스터마이징을 해서 기록을 남겨두는 의미로 뒤의 의미없는 인자를 생략하겟다는 이야기)


Wooshiping 에서는 WSP_VERSION 관련된 인자가 쭉 이어져서, 추적하다보면 

"class-wsp-assets.php" 에서 Version Control 을 하는 것을 볼 수 있다.



[해당 부분에서 보고 패치]



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