
자바스크립트를 사용하여 숫자의 자리수(자릿수)를 구하려면 어떤 방법이 있을까요? 아래에서 숫자가 몇 자리인지를 구하는 방법을 알아봅니다.

먼저 예를들어봅니다. 만약 12 또는 10,000이라는 숫자가 있는 경우 자릿수를 아래처럼 반환되도록 가져오려면 어떻게 할까요?

Ex) 12 -> 2를 반환 (2자리)
Ex) 10,000 -> 5를 반환 (5자리)

위와같이 숫자가 몇 자리인지 알아낸 후 그 결과를 반환하는 숫자만 가져오려고 합니다...

# 자바스크립트로 숫자의 자릿수 구하기가장 간단한 방법은 숫자를 문자로 바꾼후 해당 문자의 길이를 얻는 것입니다. 이 방법은 매우 쉬운데 문자 타입인 경우 문자열의 길이를 length를 사용해 가져올 수 있다는 점을 이용합니다. 아래 코드를 봐주세요.

var num = 12345;
num = num.toString();
numDigit = num.length;

실행하면 5를 출력합니다. 가장 간단합니다.

# 숫자를 문자로 바꾼 후 index의 값이 존재하는지를 확인하는 방법위 방법처럼 숫자를 바꾸나 length가 아닌 해당 위치에 값이 존재하는지의 여부로 자릿수를 찾는 방법입니다.

function getDigit(num) {
  num = num.toString();
  var i=0;
  while(num[i]) { i++; };
  return i;

위 함수는 해당 숫자의 자릿수를 반환합니다. 그럼 아래에서 직접 숫자를 입력 후 확인해보세요.





Updated: September 19, 2019

A client recently wanted to customize the product sort order of their WooCommerce products on the product category archive page. The archive used the default alphabetical sorting, but they had a few products that they wanted to be listed at the top of the category listing. Here’s how we did it.

Product Sorting Options

WooCommerce offers the ability to customize the sorting order of products with a few settings changes.

Go to Appearance > Customize in your WordPress admin. Once the Customizer opens, go to WooCommerce > Product Catalogue. This is where you will find your options for sorting products. Ensure that Default Product Sorting is set to “Default sorting (custom ordering + name)”. Publish the new settings and then go to edit an individual product.

[In previous versions of WooCommerce, this is how you would get to that setting: Go to WooCommerce > Settings in your WordPress admin. On the Products tab, click on the Display settings.]

Custom Sorting

All custom sorting is applied against all items and not against separate categories. Keep this in mind if you have a page that displays all products. For this particular project, the product pages were separated by category, so the sorting options didn’t need to be as detailed as others may need.

From the Products admin panel, you can select Sorting and then drag and drop your products in the specific order that you’d like. You can also order the products in the Quick Edit menu by changing the “Order” value. All items default to the value zero. The custom order displays the lower numbers first. You can also edit the order value in the Product Data > Advanced tab on the product edit page.

Move Specific Products to the Top

If you want to custom sort each and every product, you may do so. If you simply want to move a few select items to the top of the list, there is an easy way to do that.

Enter a negative number in the “Order” field of the product. By using a negative number, the item will have a lower value than the default “0” and therefore will show above those items. If you want to lump a group of products together and have WooCommerce sort them alphabetically, just use the same “order” value.


WooCommerce is a powerful e-commerce solution for WordPress and provides lots of ways to customize your online store.

Need Help with WooCommerce?

We offer web development services for WooCommerce and can build a custom WooCommerce extention that meets your exact needs.


In Gravity Forms 1.5 we're adding some new "Ready Classes". Using these new classes, you can easily create more advanced alternative layouts for the fields in your forms.

Essentially, Ready Classes are class names that you can add to the parent element surrounding each field to take advantage of pre-defined styles included in the default form stylesheet.

How to Use Ready Classes

To add a Ready Class to a field, just edit your form in the Form Builder and then select the field you want to add the classes to. Under the "Advanced" tab, you’ll see an input called "CSS class name". Add the Ready Class name or names you want to add to the field here and then save the form.

Please note that this feature does NOT update live in the Form Builder. After you specify your Ready Class names, just save the form and you’ll see the classes being applied to your form in the preview window and on the live site.

The Ready Class Names

Here are the Ready Classes that are built in the Gravity Forms default stylesheet that you can use right away without having to write any of your own CSS.


Halves (2 Columns)

Note: These only work with the "top label" form layout option.


This places the field in the left column (left half) of a 2 column layout. This only work with the "top label" form layout option.


This places the field in the left column (right half) of a 2 column layout. This only work with the "top label" form layout option.

To align two fields side by side (2 equal columns) you can add these classes. The two fields have to be adjacent to each other in the Form Builder. The gf_left_half class has to be added to the first field and the gf_right_half class to the second field.



Thirds (3 Columns)


This places the field in the left column (left third) of a 3 column layout. This only work with the "top label" form layout option.


This places the field in the middle column (middle third) of a 3 column layout. This only work with the "top label" form layout option.


This places the field in the right column (right third) of a 3 column layout. This only work with the "top label" form layout option.

To align three fields side by side (3 equal columns) you can add these classes. The three fields have to be adjacent to each other in the Form Builder. The gf_left_third class has to be added to the first field, the gf_middle_third class to the second field and the gf_right_third class to the third field.


List Classes


This turns a multiple choice/checkbox list into an equally-spaced 2 column format. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This turns a multiple choice/checkbox list into an equally-spaced 3 column format. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.



This turns a multiple choice/checkbox list into an equally-spaced 4 column format. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This turns a multiple choice/checkbox list into an equally-spaced 5 column format. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This turns a multiple choice/checkbox list into an inline horizontal list (not evenly spaced columns). This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.



This applies a 25px height value all multiple choice/checkbox items in that list. This can be useful to avoid "hanging floats" caused by list items of unequal height. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This applies a 50px height value all multiple choice/checkbox items in that list. This can be useful to avoid "hanging floats" caused by list items of unequal height. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This applies a 75px height value all multiple choice/checkbox items in that list. This can be useful to avoid "hanging floats" caused by list items of unequal height. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This applies a 100px height value all multiple choice/checkbox items in that list. This can be useful to avoid "hanging floats" caused by list items of unequal height. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This applies a 125px height value all multiple choice/checkbox items in that list. This can be useful to avoid "hanging floats" caused by list items of unequal height. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.


This applies a 150px height value all multiple choice/checkbox items in that list. This can be useful to avoid "hanging floats" caused by list items of unequal height. This only applies to multiple choice/checkbox lists and work with any of the form label position settings.

Other Classes


This converts a section break field into a box with a fixed height that will automatically show a scroll bar if there’s a large amount of text. This is useful if you’re wanting to show large amounts of content to the user, but don’t want to have to link to it or make the form very long to show it (Terms of Service Agreements, etc). This class only works on section breaks and works with any of the form label position settings.



This hides the am/pm selector in the time field- this only hides the field on the form, not in the form entry table. This works with any of the form label position settings.


This hides the characters left counter beneath paragraph text fields when using the maximum characters option. This works with any of the form label position settings.

Q & A

Can I use multiple classes on the same field?

Yes, you can use multiple classes together. Just separate each class name by a space. Note: This doesn't work for all of the styles, but many can be combined if they're applicable to the field type. For example, you may have a 2 column primary layout, and want to use 2 column list layouts within the columns.

Can I create my own classes?

Yes, the classes are added to the parent <li> element surrounding a field so you can define your own class name and add your own rules to your theme stylesheet based on that class name being added to the field.


You can also see an example of several of these classes applied in one form here.

One final note. As with any CSS rules, your particular theme CSS may override or supersede some of these styles. They've been tested in a variety of themes and work well, but you may have to make some adjustments to your theme styles for everything to work properly.

// 4.1.1
// 배열에 뭔가가 들어있는지 여부를 확인하려는 거라면,
// 다음과 같이 코드를 작성하는 대신
if ( array.length > 0 ) ...
// 다음과 같이 작성하세요
if ( array.length ) ...
// 4.1.2
// 배열이 비어있다는 것만을 확인할 때에는,
// 아래처럼 작성하지 마시고
if ( array.length === 0 ) ...
// ...다음처럼 작성하세요:
if ( !array.length ) ...
// 4.1.3
// 문자열이 비어있지 않다는 것을 확인할 때에는,
// 다음처럼 작성하지 마시고
if ( string !== "" ) ...
// ...다음과 같이 작성하세요
if ( string ) ...
// 4.1.4
// 문자열이 _비어있다는 것_을 확인만 하는 경우라면,
// 다음처럼 작성하지 마시고:
if ( string === "" ) ...
// ...다음과 같이 작성해서, 거짓인지를 확인하세요.
if ( !string ) ...
// 4.1.5
// 참조 변수가 true인지 확인하려면,
// 다음처럼 작성하지 마시고
if ( foo === true ) ...
// ...그냥 아래처럼 써주세요. 기본 기능을 활용하면 됩니다:
if ( foo ) ...
// 4.1.6
// 어떤 참조 변수가 false인지 판정할 때에는,
// 다음처럼 작성하지 마시고
if ( foo === false ) ...
// ...true인지를 확인하도록 부정(!)을 사용하세요.
if ( !foo ) ...
// ...주의하세요. 이렇게 제안하면 foo의 값이 0, “”, null, undefined, NaN인 경우에도 참을 반환할 겁니다.
// foo가 불린값 false를 갖는지를 확인하는 경우라면, 아래와 같이 사용하세요.
if ( foo === false ) ...
// 4.1.7
// 어떤 변수가 있다고 하죠. 이 변수의 값은 null이나 undefined일 수는 있지만 false나 "", 또는 0의 값은 가지지 않습니다. 이런 변수를 판정할 때에는,
// 아래처럼 작성하지 마시고
if ( foo === null || foo === undefined ) ...
// ...강제형변환되는 ==를 사용하세요. 다음과 같이요:
if ( foo == null ) ...
// 그리고 이 점을 기억하세요. == 를 사용하면, 판정하려는 변수의 값이 `null` 이나 `undefined` 일 때, 참을 반환할 것입니다.
// 하지만 `false` 나 "" 나 0 값을 가질 때에는 거짓을 반환할 것입니다.
null == undefined

출처: https://skibis.tistory.com/263 [Skibi's Notepad]


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